Have you ever thought that the Moon might have a lot more significance for our life then we were told?

The Moon, familiar because we see it almost every night, is nevertheless mysterious–especially when we ponder its origin, nature and effect on us from astrology and physics stand point.

Astrologically, we understand the Moon’s association with femininity, motherhood, the nurturing instinct, food, and much more.

The lunar tidal effect on the oceans is well known, as is the fact that the gravitational pull of the constantly moving Moon creates gravity waves. These waves have traditional attributes, like wave length, frequency, phase, direction of propagation, wave energy, and amplitude.

Did you ever realize that the Moon has a tight grip on us? 

Watch a 2 hour Webinar Recording 
(Originally presented on Wednesday, Jul 9, 2018 for Astrologers, Kansas City (AOA)).

During this webinar you will learn what it is about the Moon that gives it such power over us, making us respond to its every move. What makes the Moon such a massive puppeteer and we humans–connected to it by seemingly invisible strings–powerless puppets?

Note: Recommended lectures to watch before the webinar are 'Physics of Astrology' and/or 'Planetary Mind Games' (see below, use promo code 'physics-astro50' to get 50% off of both lectures).  

About the instructor

Science Based Astrologer

Nadia Smirnova-Mierau

Nadia, an experienced astrologer, psychic, writer, and speaker with a scientific background, has studied and practiced astrology for more than 30 years. Her psychic ability includes, but is not limited to, predictive dreams, lucid dreaming, clairvoyance, and clairsentience. A former nuclear physicist from the USSR, she applies her knowledge of physics to her work in astrology and the psychic realm. Author of “Physics of Astrology” e-book series (amazon.com/author/nadia), she’s a member of NCGR since the 1990’s, a member of the Organization for Professional Astrology (OPA), and an agent at Cosmic Intelligence Agency (C*I*A).Website:  Physicsofastrology.comYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/c/PhysicsAstroFB Page: https://www.facebook.com/physicsofastrology

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Recommended lectures to watch before this webinar

  • $25.00

    $25.00Introduction to Physics of Astrology

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  • $20.00

    $20.00Planetary Mind Games

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