If astrology works and one's life can be predicted, where does FREE WILL stand?
What happens to us at turning points of our life from astrology and physics perspective?

We all have moments in our lives when everything seemingly changes. Looking back we have stories that start with a decision, a discovery, a revelation, an event that have brought a major change in the flow of our everyday existence. Is it our own decision or circumstances that pushed us? Fate, Destiny or Free Will? What’s the signature of that moment? Can we control our path? Do we make our decisions independently? Is there FREE WILL? 

We'll be looking at the astrological formula of such moments. You will also learn about the science behind decision making process.

1.5 hour Webinar 

About the instructor

Science Based Astrologer

Nadia Smirnova-Mierau

Nadia, an experienced astrologer, psychic, writer, and speaker with a scientific background, has studied and practiced astrology for more than 30 years. Her psychic ability includes, but is not limited to, predictive dreams, lucid dreaming, clairvoyance, and clairsentience. A former nuclear physicist from the USSR, she applies her knowledge of physics to her work in astrology and the psychic realm. Author of “Physics of Astrology” e-book series (amazon.com/author/nadia), she’s a member of NCGR since the 1990’s, a member of the Organization for Professional Astrology (OPA), and an agent at Cosmic Intelligence Agency (C*I*A).Website:  Physicsofastrology.comYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/c/PhysicsAstroFB Page: https://www.facebook.com/physicsofastrology

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